Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Open Call for Comments & Requests

While you might not know me personally, (if you're reading this you probably do. and I've probably read your resume, and then hacked it apart, put it back together again, and then you got a job - not to brag or anything) you want some job seeking advice and I have some pearls of wisdom to share with you. there's something I know that you can glean from me to take with you on your job seeking journey.

I'm sharing my job seeking know-it-all-ness with the world and I want you to be a part of it with me. What's the sense in blogging without an active audience? I have a sense of the direction I want to take this site, the information I'd like to provide, and the interactive service I'd like to offer to people, but I'd also like you to be a part of it, too.

Help me by reminding me how I helped you - and I'll shape the future postings from there. Resume styling, third party job searching, websites, recommended recruiters, job fairs, interview techniques, offer negotiations. We've all been there, we've read a million books - hell, we all go to work everyday - yet, there has yet to be an interactive resource and tool for the active and passive job seeker that provides some decent answers and substantive results. Lets do just that.

image courtesy buffalo state college

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